Activated Charcoal 100g

Activated charcoal is available in different forms, including powder.

Activated charcoal is not the same substance that is found in charcoal bricks or burnt pieces of food.

The manufacturing process of activated charcoal makes it extremely absorbent, allowing it to bind with molecules, ions and atoms. In this way, it removes these particles from dissolved substances.

Making activated charcoal involves heating carbon-rich materials, such as wood, peat, coconut shells or sawdust to very high temperatures.

This “activation” process strips the charcoal from previously absorbed molecules and frees up bonding sites. This process also reduces the size of pores of the charcoal and makes more holes in each molecule, thus increasing it’s overall surface area.

As a result, one teaspoon full of activated charcoal has a larger surface area than a football field.

Used for: Kidney health, intestinal gas, diarrhea water filtration, teeth whitening, deodorants, skin care and skin infections.

Code: 40387